Speak Up About The Chaos In Your Head

Many of us choose to be alone in our fears because we believe others may never understand what we’re going through. We hide away our mental illness trying to make others believe we are well and have it all together, but these are the ones who suffer most. Sometimes it’s just too hard to explain, but you should never choose to keep quiet about what you are dealing with. Someone is there to help, you may have to search for them but we are out here.

When you shut out and ignore your mental health issues, they can grow and transform into physical issues such as Cardiovascular disease gastrointestinal problems, obesity, Insomnia and many more life threatening issues. It can be dangerous keeping this secrete and that’s why you shouldn’t wait to speak up.

Too many people wait, thinking it will pass at some point. Instead, it becomes so life-consuming, they believe taking their own life is the only way to stop the mental pain. 

Don’t wait to talk about the chaos that’s going on in your head. More people are opening up about mental illness than ever before and can relate to what your dealing with. It’s nothing to feel ashamed of. You’re human and we all have a right to be and feel weak at times, but we have to figure out how to stand back up after getting knocked down and move on past what is holding us back from being the person we want to be.

I’ve personally watched all of the females in my family struggle from childhood trauma, one of which I grew up with, and she let it destroyed her own family. It had transformed into alcoholism. I couldn’t do anything but watch her struggle because she wouldn’t get the help she desperately needed. I had to separate myself from her because things became abusive and too painful for me to continue to be a part of her life. It didn’t mean I no longer loved her, it meant I was choosing my mental health over hers. 

Our mental health can not only effect us negatively, but also the people around us. They may feel as if they are walking on eggshells everytime they are with you. No one wants or needs that kind of tension in their life. Don’t keep putting yourself and the ones you love through hell because you’re ashamed of the chaotic noise in your head. 

So many struggle in silence and it’s heartbreaking. Now is the time to step outside your comfort zone and speak up. Do it for yourself and the people around you. People watching you suffer are also suffering from worry for you. We have no way of helping besides listening to you talk about what’s going on, but sometimes that’s all we need is encouragement to keep stepping forward. Find someone you can step out into the light for. So you can reveal your true self and the struggles you are hiding away.

You Are In Control

Strong-minded people aren't born. We are a revised version of the storms we have walked through in life

Change Starts With Your Thoughts

Turning Chaos Into Calm One Life At A Time
