Change Without Explanation

It’s okay if no one believes you can change, all that matters is how you feel on the inside. If you know the change has happened why do you need other’s approval or for them to see the change so badly? Are you seriously that worried what others may think that you’re willing to stress yourself out trying to make others see things how you perceive them. That’s just crazy and self-sabotaging.

Change isn’t for the weak. Many people are too weak or too lazy to change themselves, so they will doubt you until the end.

There are so many people that want change, they crave it but are not willing to put in the work. Change takes work and dedication that few people have.

So let’s get this straight right now. There is no reason at all to prove your worth to anyone other than yourself. You do not owe anyone any explanation on any part of your life, just because someone expects an explanation for how you are changing doesn’t mean they are entitled to one.

Trying to explain to others how you’re feeling happy and peaceful inside is like trying to get a blind man to see you. It’s never gonna happen.

We all need to stop worrying about what others think. If you want to explain your change to someone, go ahead but don’t set yourself up for disappointment when they don’t understand or don’t like what you have to say.

That’s where I got burned, now I know not to expect anyone to ever understand why I’ve changed or why do the things that I do. It’s just less stressful this way.

Most people don’t understand that if someone actually puts forth the effort to change will change. Don’t misunderstand me and think it’s easy and you won’t fail over and over because you will, but that’s the journey in life, fall get back up, repeat till you die.

There is so much information out here on Self Help and the internet is full of it and it’s free for studying but that takes work and effort.

So, how bad do you want it?

My change came when I ended my self-sabotaging ways. I knew I had to change the all-out war that was going on in my mind. I wanted change in my life because I was physically and emotionally sick. I was mentally broken. I had let all of my past hurts and heartache take over creating chaos from the inside out.

I decided I had enough of this mental turmoil I had been going through since early childhood. I had created this world of chaos within myself and one way or another I was getting out. Suicide wasn’t going to be the way for me.

No one could have helped me deal with all of the anger I had let build for so long. So, I started searching for self-help on as many subjects as I could. Meditation being one.

It had helped me slow the chaos that was always playing in my mind on repeat. I have figured out how to shift from one thought to another. For me, that was a revolution of Bliss. There is nothing like being able to control what’s going through a chaotic mind. Meditation calms the chaos within.

Not only did I learn to clean the chaos in my mind I also learned that cleaning out the outer world in which we live in is just as beneficial. I started by getting rid of anything that wasn’t of significant use to me or my family. That makes life feel less crowed and overwhelming, not to mention anything you don’t want anymore can be donated.

From there a moved on to people. I had to start evaluating all of the relationships that I had in my life, knowing I needed to part ways with people who brought nothing but heartache, pain, and drama.

When you clean out those things that bring you chaos, you will start to find your calm as I did.

 Not caring what others think of you is going to be one of the fastest ways to finding your true peace and inner calm in this life. Just these two things can change a person whole being.

 I didn’t pull myself from relationships because I no longer cared, but because some of the relationships had started to bring me more mental stress than I was willing to keep giving in to. 

 Just because you walk away from people doesn’t mean you don’t love them anymore. It only means you’re willing to care about yourself more. It may be difficult and others may doubt your motive for your change but that’s OK you don’t owe anyone an explanation for wanting a better life.
